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Bath and Wells MAT

How We Learn



Just a few minutes each night makes such a difference!

Please try to read with your child for a few minutes each evening. This should be an enjoyable time that you both look forward to.  To start with, your child will have a story book to share with you. Talk to them about the pictures and encourage them to tell you the story from the pictures.  Encourage them to turn the pages, point out the title and read the ‘blurb’ on the back of the book together and discuss it first. Learning to read can be very difficult and your child needs your patience and encouragement to do so.

Your child will have a Home School reading Diary. Please sign the Home School Diary every time you hear your child read, and feel free to write comments – (we will always reply!) Please feel free to use this book for messages to your child’s teacher too.

If we all show excitement about reading, your child will be encouraged to read more.

Each night we will send home a school reading book that encourages your child to use the sounds they have learnt or to develop fluency. Reading books are usually changed once a week.  We will change books when your child is ready to move on.

If your child is tired, or just doesn’t want to read, just enjoy a story together or read your child’s reading book to them. Let us know, if this happens, so we can support you and your child through what is a perfectly normal stage.


Little Wandle

Little Wandle is the scheme we use to teach our children to read.

Once the children have settled in to reception they will be taught the sounds of the letters in the following order:-

  • s a t p
  • i n m d
  • g o c k
  • ck e u r
  • h b f ff l ll ss

 Once they have learnt the first set, we will begin to segment simple three letter words and start the road to reading and spelling.  We will play lots of games practising the sounds and spend lots of time practising forming the letters in sand, paint, in the air and on paper.

As the letters are being taught your child will bring home a word booklet to practice reading. The words in this book are made up of all the sounds your child will have been taught.



At school your child will use our school chosen writing scheme if you would like an example of this please ask your child’s teacher.

Don’t worry if your child is not showing much interest in ‘proper writing’, remember squiggles on paper are writing to a young child.

Once at school writing takes place both formally and informally in the writing and role play areas.  Ensuring the children have experience of different forms of writing is important, these include lists, menus, letters, booking forms, diaries and imaginative writing. 



Encourage your child to count groups of up to ten objects, both at home and when out and about, as much as possible. It is much more important that your child can use number rather than to just recite numbers.



The main homework given is reading. We hope that you will be able to spend a special few minutes each day sharing your child’s reading book with them. Whenever you do this please sign your child’s home school reading record.

Sometimes the children will also be given a task that they can do at home with you. They may be asked to practise letter sounds or shapes or given a more practical task, maybe to make something, collect something or just find something out.



We believe it is very important for the children to learn through their senses and so we include lots of messy play including clay, soft foods, gloop, cornflour, soil etc. Although your child will have worn an apron they still manage to get themselves dirty but a washing machine and a bath usually sort it out.

When Your Child Comes Home Messy

Red paint in the hair? Blue paint on the trousers? Sand in the shoes? White socks that look brown? Sleeves a bit damp?


worked with a friend
solved a problem
created a masterpiece
negotiated a difference
learned a new skill
had a great time
developed new language skills


feel lonely
become bored
do repetitive tasks that are too babyish
do worksheets that are too easy
do sit down work that is discouraging


paid good money for those clothes
Will have trouble getting the red paint out
are concerned the teacher isn't paying enough attention to your child

YOUR TEACHER PROBABLY...... was aware of your child's special needs and interests
spent time planning a challenging activity for the children
encouraged the children to try new things
was worried you might be concerned

Young children really learn when they are actively involved in play.....not when someone is talking to them. There is a difference between "messy" and "lack of care." Your caregiver made sure your child was fed, warm, offered new skills and planned messy fun things to do because that's how young children learn!


Outdoor Play

“There is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing."

Most days the children will be encouraged to play

outside and explore. This will be in all weathers.

The children especially like to be out when it is raining so they can splash in the puddles!  No child will be made to go outside but we usually find it more difficult to keep them in than out! All children will need a warm coat for the winter that is preferably waterproof. We have wellies on our uniform list so your child can play without worrying.

In the colder months the children will need a hat scarf and gloves nothing expensive just clothes to keep them warm and in the hot summer days a hat and some sun cream (all labelled!).

“Despite parental fear that exposure to inclement weather sickens children, our experience was that children, including our son, who regularly spent time in the open air (properly outfitted) stayed healthier than those kept indoors, despite winter temperatures that average around freezing.”


Reward Systems

We try to celebrate the children’s achievements as much as possible at Christ Church. We give out lots of stickers and special awards are presented at Friday’s family Celebration worship, this includes Star of the Week certificates for children who have done something particularly special that week. We let you know via text if it is your child on the Thursday before Friday’s Celebration, when the certificates are presented.

Celebration Worship takes place on a Friday morning at 9am.

We ask parents to be respectful of the children’s achievements by not talking during the assemblies. It is a very special time for the children. 



During the year we try to take the children on trips that support their learning. We like them to be as exciting as possible and always ensure they are fully risk assessed.

We understand that it can be quite stressful sending your child off on a trip for the first time but they always have a super time and come back excited by what they have experienced. Please remember it is no easy option for staff to take the children on trips – they do it because they want your children to have as many different experiences as possible.

Sadly, visits are far from cheap, particularly the transport costs. We are unable to pay for trips as school funds are very limited.

We try to give as much notice as possible about trips and always work out costs to the exact penny as we are not allowed to make any profit. If everyone does not agree to pay for the trips we sadly have to make the decision to cancel the trip. We advise parents to budget in the region of £150 per year in total for trips and treats at school.