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Bath and Wells MAT

School Meals

Lunchtime at Christ Church is a sociable time.  Clever Chefs Catering prepare a hot balanced meal each day.

All the children have their lunch in the hall.

School lunches are currently free for all children in reception, year 1 and year 2. We encourage all parents to take this offer as the children quickly settle to the lunches and eat much more than they would at home as they follow their peers!

It is possible for your child to bring a packed lunch from home, or a mixture of the two.

Menus detailing the three weekly menu plan will be given to each child at the beginning of term. You will need to select the meal choice that your child will prefer. This can be done using Parent Mail.

If your child has any special dietary requirements, please let us know in writing.  The catering company will meet all dietary requirements.

Children will be encouraged to try everything but will not be made to eat food they do not want.

If you send a packed lunch for your child please consider carefully what they will eat. Many of the younger children come with far too much food in their lunch boxes.

As a guide, a round of sandwiches or a filled roll, a piece of fruit, a plain biscuit, cake or yoghurt and a drink is more than enough!

The children should not be given sandwiches with sweet filling,

chocolate bars or sweets in their lunchboxes. Sandwich filling should ideally be a protein filling of meat, cheese, eggs etc keeps children’s energy levels up in the afternoon.



Every child needs a water bottle at school.

Your child has free access to water throughout the day. Ideally your child should have water, if you choose to send them with squash please consider the risk to their teeth and try to ensure that it is weak and sugar free.

Currently, children in reception, year 1 and year 2 receive a free portion of fruit or raw vegetable each day; this is given to the children mid-morning.