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Bath and Wells MAT

School Uniform

All children at Christ Church First School are expected to wear school uniform. This consists of:

  • Grey or black school trousers, skirt or pinafore
  • White or Navy polo shirt
  • School sweatshirt* or cardigan*
  • Sensible black school shoes or plain black trainers (velcro)
  • White, grey or black socks or tights.

*Embroidered items are available to purchase by clicking the Cosmic Monkey link below.

Cosmic Monkey Uniform

Hair should be tied back with a simple plain blue, black or brown band. Hair styles should be kept simple with no lines or colours added. Hair should not be shorter than a grade 2.

 Other items

  • A water bottle.
  • A waterproof coat.
  • A pair of wellingtons.
  • Waterproof trousers (if possible).


Optional summer uniform

Pale blue or navy checked dress

Grey or navy knee length shorts



Earrings should be simple studs. Small hoops pose a danger so should not be worn. 

Please ensure that all of your children’s personal items are labelled clearly with their name. Staff cannot be responsible for belongings. Labelled clothes usually make their way back to the correct owner.


PE Uniform

Every child will have a formal PE lesson at least once a week. Every child will need a PE kit to change into. This consists of;

  • Navy or black shorts
  • Pale blue school t –shirt
  • Velcro trainers (no plimsolls or daps)


Optional – but recommended
(for outdoor sport)

  • Track suit or jogging bottoms (navy or black)
  • Track suit top (navy or black)


PE kit should be brought to school in a pull string PE bag and put on the child’s peg. These should be taken home at the end of each term for washing.



All PE kit needs to be the correct size. Ill-fitting trainers or track suit bottoms that are too long are a hazard to your child.